Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you if you have any questions or if you are interested in volunteering, contributing, or if you would like prayer. Send us an email or reach out by phone 24 hours. Stage4 uses St. Luke's website to receive donations. Make sure you select Stage4 in the "Fund" dropdown when donating online.

Donate through st. luke's

Office Phone: 330-665-2227
Pastor on call (for prayer): 330-665-2229


Sponsor-A-Bag is an on-going opportunity for individuals to support Stage4 with the making of and delivery of our Comfort Bags.

You are invited to either make a General Donation or a Sponsor-A-Bag Donation of $35. Stage4 uses St. Luke's website to receive donations. When you donate through St. Luke's, make sure you select Stage4 in the "Fund" dropdown.

This is just one way we hope you will help to support our
Comfort Bag ministry throughout 2023.

Donate through st. luke's